Frequently Asked Questions

How does a treatment proceed?

The treatment begins with a thorough examination and takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, where your problems are carefully listened to. After a detailed physical examination, a treatment plan is discussed with you. The treatment then starts with a tailored approach, adapted to your specific needs and complaints.

What can I expect after a treatment?

First of all, you can expect that the osteopaths at Osteo Online are professionals who constantly strive to improve themselves. The treatment starts with a thorough examination and takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, where your concerns are listened to carefully. After a detailed physical examination, a treatment plan is discussed with you. The treatment then begins with a personalised approach, tailored to your specific needs and complaints.

From what age do you treat babies?

We behandelen baby’s indien nodig al in de eerste week als er zichtbare problemen zijn, zoals een nek die vastzit. Bij voorkeur behandelen we baby’s op de leeftijd van 3 à 4 weken, omdat ze dan al een beetje gewend zijn aan prikkels. We zien baby’s, peuters en kinderen van alle leeftijden. Bij twijfel kun je altijd contact met ons opnemen voor advies en informatie.

I have an appointment booked but I'm ill

Ideally, we prefer cancellations outside the 24-hour limit. However, sometimes unexpected issues arise, such as being ill yourself or having a sick child, preventing you from attending. The confirmation email contains the phone number of the respective osteopath. Please get in touch to discuss the best way to resolve this.

When should you see a doctor immediately?

Although osteopathy can be effective for many complaints, there are situations where it is better to consult a doctor. See a doctor if you:

– Acute of ernstige pijn hebt die plotseling is ontstaan en niet verbetert.
– Koorts hebt die langer dan een paar dagen aanhoudt.
– Onverklaarbaar gewichtsverlies of nachtzweten ervaart.
– Neurologische symptomen hebt zoals gevoelloosheid, zwakte of verlamming.
– Plotselinge ademhalingsproblemen hebt.
– Veranderingen in zicht of spraak opmerkt.
– Borstpijn ervaart, vooral als deze naar je arm of kaak uitstraalt.
– Bloed in je ontlasting of urine opmerkt.
– Aanhoudende braken of diarree hebt.

When in doubt, it is always wise to consult a doctor first to rule out serious conditions.

Do you meet the PLATO requirement?

Yes, we meet the PLATO requirement. The PLATO requirement refers to the guidelines and quality standards set by PLATO (Platform Opleiding, Onderwijs en Organisatie), an organisation focused on the quality assurance of medical and paramedical education in the Netherlands. These requirements ensure that training programs meet high standards in terms of content, pedagogy, and practical experience. Osteopathy is a post-HBO education at a university level. This means that our osteopaths have undergone extensive and in-depth training, which includes both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Our programs meet the strict quality standards and guidelines established by PLATO, guaranteeing that our practitioners are well-trained and competent in their field.

Osteopathie is een post-HBO opleiding op universitair niveau. Dit betekent dat onze osteopaten een uitgebreide en diepgaande opleiding hebben gevolgd, die bestaat uit zowel theoretische kennis als praktijkervaring. Onze opleidingen voldoen aan de strenge kwaliteitsnormen en richtlijnen die door PLATO zijn vastgesteld, wat garandeert dat onze behandelaars goed opgeleid en bekwaam zijn in hun vakgebied.

Are you affiliated with health insurers?

Our osteopaths are registered with the professional register, which means that many health insurers offer (partial) reimbursement for osteopathic treatments. However, it is important that you check your policy conditions to see if osteopathy is included in your insurance and to what extent treatments are covered. If you have good insurance, you will usually receive some reimbursement for the treatment. For specific information, you can contact your insurer.

How much will I be reimbursed?

Our osteopaths are registered with the professional register, which means that many health insurers offer (partial) reimbursement for osteopathic treatments. It is important to check your policy conditions to see if osteopathy is included in your insurance and to what extent the treatments are covered. If you have good insurance, you will usually receive some reimbursement for the treatment. For specific information about reimbursements, you can contact your insurer.

Can I submit the treatment for reimbursement?

Yes, you can submit the treatment to your insurer. The invoice will be sent digitally to the email address you provided. If you are insured for osteopathy, you can submit this invoice to your health insurer yourself. The rates for our treatments are listed on our website and cannot be negotiated.
